18 // BODIES OF WATER // Is This What It’s Like

Having begun their career as perfectly fine but, for me, fairly unremarkable Arcade Fire wannabes, LA’s Bodies of Water – led by married couple Meredith and David Metcalf – pivot somewhat on album 5, towards something more interesting. Is This What It’s Like embraces a mix of vibrancy and melancholy, with minimal lo-fi folk jostling with prancing fiddle (‘Never Call Me Again’), vibraphones (‘Back in the Canyon’, ‘Women in Love’) and Kate Bush style bombast (‘The One I Loved Too Much’). David Metcalf’s voice has the dark resonance of Nick Cave, adding grandeur to everything, whereas Meredith brings the passion. It’s all quite earnest, but never so much so that it cloys. The residue of that Arcade Fire/Broken Social Scene/et al influence is still there, especially on the likes of ‘I Knew Your Brother’ and (album best) closer ‘Illuminate Yourself’, but now it is just one string to the bow and feels earned. Overall, Is This What It’s Like is a big step up.